Looking for inside timber shutters? Our readymade painted timber shutters might be a worthy consideration

Our readymade inside painted timber shutters are uniquely constructed. Made from premium hardwood poplar that has a fine texture for a flawless finish that combines strength and durability and timber is reusable, recyclable and biodegradable.
This means you can place less panels in a window and maximise both light and the view. ShutterKits shutters offer a classic plantation look which suits modern and traditional settings.

On average windows typically lose 25 – 50% of energy used in heating or cooling. Readymade timber shutters act as an insulator and chill barrier.

*There are also some fantastic design features and optional extras such as:
*Standard colours or custom colours available
*3 ellipitcal blade sizes to choose from
*Catering for fixed, hinged, folding & sliding installation options
*Blade tilting options
*Pre-drilled frames for easier installation
*Security bolts
*Special shaped shutters e.g. circles, arches, triangles and angled

ShutterKits are here to help take the guess work out of your shutter choices and DIY installation options. Why not email your details and window dimensions to us at sales [at] shutterkits [dot] com [dot] au for a quote as a starting point and we can work through it all with you. If you have anything a bit tricky to figure out a photo is always great so we see what you see. Australia – wide delivery.